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About Us

The mother-daughter team of Elizabeth and Lauren has been working together for years.  When Lauren was 11, she started helping out at Elizabeth’s recycling company and continued helping summers and weekends for 10 years until that business was sold. 

At 24, Lauren had an idea for an office and kids’ product.  She sweet-talked her Mom (aka Mooshkers) out of retirement to help her start and run MoodClue, which is now a successful Amazon-based business. 

In the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, Elizabeth and Lauren launched Basquettes, a cooking and grilling tool used to air-fry, crisp, roast, rotisserie, dehydrate, grill and smoke foods.

The entrepreneurial streak continues with Leashrr, inspired by their two dogs, Chessie (2-year-old Belgian Malinois mix) and Rooey (3-year-old “super mutt”).

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